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[E] Kami-Kahzy
[E] Kami-Kahzy
Enjin Archive
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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When you check your own thread after months of inactivity because your mailbox exploded with update notices.
over 13 years ago
Again, no new updates from anyone, and the Auction House is still broken. There has however been a new development. Now that there are no more auctions being displayed, the homepage now has a small bar that says "processing". I'm not sure if it looks to be part of the page layout, or if its got something to do with the plugin. Here's a screenshot of it:
over 13 years ago
I know I'm not the only resident of Minetown that wants something like this. What I'm suggesting is that the mods put up a list of the known issues and future updates to the Minetown server and forums. Then there can be a series of forums telling us about the progress made with certain issues. Maybe there can even be a status bar showing us just how much progress has been made and how much progress still needs to be done. It doesnt even have to be accurate, it can be a lulz thing. I bring this up mainly because the main news page is very slow to update about anything. Sometimes there will be major issues going on, like the auction house recently breaking for example, and no mention will be made of it anywhere. And if there is mention, there might not be updates for months at a time. Most times the only updates we see are the ones concerning the end of the month Vote winners and the Build contest winners. I'm not really asking for a major update to the forums, or even adding an entirely new section. All I really want is for the admins and mods to be able to keep us updated on the status of Minetown more easily and assail any doubts that the higher-ups have our best interests at heart.
over 13 years ago
........stiiiiiiiiill no new updates. Is this a really big problem?
over 13 years ago